A Minha Carreira

Eles não sabem, nem sonham, que o sonho comanda a vida, António Gedeão

Os contratos a termo no início da carreira têm um impacto negativo na carreira a longo prazo

precariedade7In this paper, we have investigated the impact of entering the labor market under a lax regulation of fixed-term contracts on subsequent labor market outcomes. Using Spanish social security data, we found that cohorts of native male high school dropouts who entered the labor market under a lax regulation of fixed-term contracts experienced worse labor market outcomes than cohorts that just preceded them. Specifically, entering the labor market under a lax regulation of fixed-term contracts leads to 193 less accumulated days at work and a 22% reduction in accumulated wages in the long run.

Hence, our findings suggest that, on balance, making fixed-term contracts more readily available reduced the welfare of low skilled workers. Even though these contracts seem to allow low skilled workers to access a more varied work experience by accumulating more employment spells in different firms, the long-run consequences are negative. By promoting less stable employment, fixed-term contracts ultimately reduce the long-run employment prospects of low skilled workers. Far from being a stepping stone, fixed-term contracts are a stumbling block for the career of low skilled workers.

In “Can fixed-term contracts put low skilled youth on a better career path? Evidence from Spain”, Agosto 2014

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